

In accordance with the provisions of the Canary Islands Law 12/2014, and more specifically, by mor of the provisions of Article 3.1, letter b), EUROPE HOTELS INTERNACIONAL TENERIFE, SL, is obliged to publish the aid received, in order to comply with the obligations of self-evaluation of the Law of transparency, as well as the General Law of Subsidies, for this reason, we attach link of the aid received.

Likewise, in compliance with the aforementioned legislation, the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order of the direct award of a grant to the company EUROPE HOTELS INTERNATIONAL TENERIFE, S.L. CIF b38013744, provided for in Decree-Law 10/2021, of July 22, which regulates the direct granting of subsidies to cover the cost of real estate tax.

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